Developer Training - Shotgun: Event Daemon, Triggers, and Automation

Shotgun ships with built-in workflow automations designed to speed up production—like Task Templates and Dependencies—but it can also be extended to create custom automations. This video covers the Shotgun Event Daemon and how to create custom triggers.

Please be aware that this is not a video for Python or Shotgun beginners. It is a good idea to watch the proceeding videos in the Developer Training Series first, as event daemon plugins can decrease performance on your Shotgun site if implemented incorrectly.

1:28 - Installing the daemon
5:11 - Logging events
8:09 - Filtering for events
13:15 - Processing events
16:10 - Validation
23:06 - A real example
27:42 - Best practices
29:26 - Managing the event backlog
32:14 - Example plugins
36:28 - Documentation

Supplemental Material:
Refactored code featured in this video

ShotgunEvents GitHub Repository